Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Final Stretch Hackathon
Needless to say, after I went out and purchased my first legally bought beers and stored them in my fridge, I invited my friends Alan( and Jordan( to attend the Home Stretch Hackathon with me. Although they were reluctant at first, I won them over with promises of free food, and we were not let down when we were able to grab free pizza and soda, as well as Twizzlers for Alan. Unfortunately, because I had a couple of things to do earlier in the day, I was only able to make it for about an hour or so of the hackathon. I was still extremely glad that I attended though, because I wasn't sure if it would still be going on by the time we got there at about 7:30.
Although I didn't get to talk to my professor Decause( because he was helping another student, ClumsyCat(, from my FOSS class with what I believe was an XO Project, I was happy to spend some time with my friends, while still collectively working on our own assignments. Personally, I began working on my Rich Media Final Project, and although I was technically not allowed to assist my friend Alan with his Rich Media project, we were able to look over some class notes to study for our final exams. Whilst we worked on Rich Media, my friend Jordan worked on his Clean Snowmobile Team tasks, which to my knowledge involved working with a complex engine on AutoCad(
As I said earlier, I was only able to attend the hackathon for a bit more than an hour, but I still cannot express how much I enjoy attending the hackathons at RIT when I am able. The Magic Center is aptly named and with the fireplaces being projected on some of the 9 projectors, the music playing, the free food, and the socialization, I really enjoyed myself while still being productive. I highly recommend other students get involved in activities like these because as I said to my friend, studying is what I was going to be doing anyway, so I minus well go do it somewhere where I could actually enjoy myself, and be around people who could potentially help me or at least talk with me.
I wish I could link to the game starring my HFOSS professor that believe was projecting on one of the screens at the hackathon, but I can't remember the URL off the top of my head. Regardless, here's an awesome website that he stars in:
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Final PlayTest!
This time, our game was more complete than our first play test. Unfortunately, when we tested all of the new changes on the XO, we found that the game lagged to the point that it was unplayable. This was most likely due to the addition of a transparent background being drawn over already existent dark backgrounds. To make sure that we had something at least playable, I reverted to one of our earlier copies of the game and quickly added the implementation of my score counter code.
Our game again involved a block of matter that the player could change the state of based on how quickly they moved the mouse. The matter would rise if the player moved the mouse quickly, and it would fall if they stopped moving the mouse. For this play test, we fixed some bugs that the 4th graders and ourselves caught last time, and as I said, I added code to keep score.
The students once again really seemed to enjoy our game which was really great. Another thing that was super awesome this time, was that 2 other groups also had playable prototypes for their projects. One of these 2 groups' games involved producing rectangles of certain perimeters and areas to "create pen's for puppies". The other game reminded me a bit of Pac-Man, and involved getting the player's character to only eat right angles. As you can probably tell, all of our games were meant to be educational.
The students noted a few things that they wanted to see changed. One student noticed that there was a bug where the block would get hooked on an obstacle randomly, which we have since fixed. Another student thought that the score did not count the first obstacle if you pass it, but we figured out that he must have got confused because we could not replicate the problem. Students thought our game reminded them of "Flappy Bird". Our game seemed to be quite addicting as students were all flocking around our laptops to try and get the high score. Amazingly, one kid actually got his score all the way up to 90!
I was very pleased with the feedback we got from this play test and it was a great feeling hearing a handful of students say that our game was their favorite. It was also nice to see again that so many students were interested in what we do and how we make games. A lot of the students also continued to say that they wanted to be programmers, which was pleasing to see at such a young age.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Weekly Blog 15
Thursday, December 4, 2014
HFOSS - Quiz 2 Pedagogy
0) Expand the Following Acronyms:
- FOSS - Free and Open Source Software
- OLPC - One Laptop Per Child
- tl;dr - Too Long; Didn't Read
- LGTM - Looks Good To Me
- RTFM - Read The Fun Manual
- PEBKAC - Problems Exist Between Keyboard And Chair
- LOL - Laugh Out Loud
1) Define the following instructional theories:
- Didactic - Didactic theory states that the teacher has all of the knowledge and students pay attention and passively receive this concrete knowledge given by the teacher. This requires students to be alert and receptive of all that is imparted to them, and students that do not continuously comprehend the information are often left behind. This is more based around the teacher.
- Dialectic - Dialectic theory (I kind of remember by associating "Dialectic" with "Dialogue") states that the teacher guides the students through discovering and understanding the knowledge by themselves. Information is actively discussed and reasoned with through a dialogue between the teacher and students. This is more based around the students.
- Constructivist - The Constructivist theory states that students learn best through experiencing concepts in a way that they can grasp an understanding. They then further this understanding through repetition and meditating on results. This is kind of what we mean when we talk about a "hands-on" learning experience.
- Multiple Intelligences - The theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests there are more than one intelligence and these intelligences can be categorized. Some examples of these categories are "Musical Intelligence", "Interpersonal Intelligence", "Intrapersonal Intelligence", "Mathematical Intelligence", "Linguistic Intelligence", and so on. Some students will excel in certain areas but struggle with others. By focusing on certain categories, students can become more intelligent in the corresponding area.
2) Describe the role of the instructor in each theory.
- Didactic - Teacher has all the knowledge and students passively absorb.
- Dialectic - Teacher has most of the knowledge and guides students actively.
- Constructivist - Teacher creates an environment for students to learn on their own.
- Multiple Intelligences - Teachers focus on actively honing certain skills.
3)What are the three key aspects of a lesson plan?
- Method - how do we get to where we want to be?
- Objective - where do we want to be ultimately?
- Evaluation - how did it go? how can we do better?
4)How does Sugar integrate and implement constructivist learning theory?
The OLPC Sugar environment perfectly integrates every aspect of the constructivist learning theory. It provides the student with not just an all knowing teacher that constantly sends concrete information, but with a platform, a toolbox, and an environment for the student to explore on his/her own. Sugar is designed with icons that the student can understand and click to explore more about the icon's corresponding topic. As the constructivist theory suggests, students learn through hands on applications literally named "activities". Through these activities, students can practice subjects and freely gain knowledge and experience at their own pace. For example, the music applications present the student with keyboards and instruments that can be played however the student wants. After experiencing the music applications, students will eventually familiarize themselves with how the keys correspond to different sounds. After some time messing around, students will understand how music is made with different instruments, which will be taught to them completely at their own pace. Ultimately, the student is able to construct their own way of learning.
Bonus: Where can new Sugar users and contributors go to find out more information, ask questions, and get involved?
- While I assume there are a multitude of ways for new Sugar users to do this, I would suggest checking out the Sugar website here:
- Of course, I would also suggest asking any questions on the RIT HFOSS IRC on freenode: #rit-foss
- Or they could check out the XO Laptop site here:
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
LitReview: Hacking Politics
The Gist
The Good
The Bad
My Review
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Weekly Blog 13
My DSA class required me to improve on the obstacle spawning that was implemented in the last assignment. This was a bit of a pain because I completed almost the whole walkthrough but struggled on the very last part. As a result, I ended up disabling some of the features and simply uploading what I was able to fix. Next week, we are supposed to add some collisions to the game engine, which I am excited for.
My Rich Media class continued working on some cool Ajax stuff, specifically working on some more difficult PHP. We had to figure out how to load some jokes stored in JSON using PHP, and then figure out how to set the jokes again using PHP. This was a pretty cool assignment and although I find the constant ICE's to be a lot to continuously keep up with, I can definitely see a ton of use for what we are learning.
Luckily, my GDD class got a bit of a break during this short week. On Monday, we had a work day where we all worked on our projects at our own pace. My holiday was a lot of fun and I loved going home to see my family :)
Pre Thanksgiving Playtest!
The iteration of our game "Matter" that we displayed was a fairly simple python game written using PyGame( that involved a square that could move up or down based on how quickly the player was moving the mouse. The game is educational in that it is meant to instill or reinforce the idea that molecules in matter move faster in a higher state and slower in a lower state. Although the students did not completely get the educational part of the game at first, they really enjoyed playing.
We noted several changes that the students wanted to see in the game. First off, there were several glitches that they noted, such as the fact that the player block would get sucked into the obstacles if there was a collision at a specific point. The students also noticed a glitch where the player block would get stuck to an obstacle for a little while and not be able to move up or down. In terms of changing elements of the game, we found that the students did not really see a goal at first, but when I started asking them how many obstacles they passed, they started to keep track and try to get a high score. Due to this, I noted that we should add an objective, or at least a score counter in the game.
Surprisingly, the students did not say anything about how the game looked and actually really seemed to enjoy playing. We had quite a crowd of kids around our XO Laptop which was great to see. After the play test, we sat with the class and both asked, and responded to questions. I was happy to see that so many of the kids wanted to either get involved in a game making field, or even just become programmers. It was also cool to find out that the students have already begun making games and programming in Scratch( at such a young age. Definitely my favorite part of this experience was actually feeling appreciated for the work we are doing and knowing that it is going towards a good cause. So many of the other play tests I have been involved in consist of allowing other college students to play my game and although college students may be more critical than the 4th graders, they don't seem to actually enjoy the games as much.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Weekly Blog 12
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
InterlockROC Meetup 2
The description of the meeting according to Carl( states: "Come and get your questions about Linux answered. We have experts on hand to fix problems and answer questions about Ubuntu and FOSS. Bring your system in so we can help you get the most from your FOSS.". After having attended the meetup I can say that Carl's description is spot on.
Although I had no experience with installing or using Linux(or really any other operating systems aside from Windows and Mac OS) I was very interested in broadening my knowledge of operating systems especially with an open source one like Linux. I had a friend in high school who ran Linux off of an external hard drive on his half broken laptop, and I always thought the operating system seemed pretty cool. Then through taking my Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software class and reading up about Linus Torvalds, my curiosity was further peaked towards Linux.
As Carl's description states above, there were several experts at the meeting. The 2 that helped me the most were Joe(IRC Handle: dzho) and Carl himself. After MrNex expressed our shared interest in getting Linux installed onto our laptops, the 5 members attending the meetup were extremely generous in shifting some of their attention into helping MrNex and me out. Joe went up to the white board and was kind enough to go so far as to draw diagrams showing us how dual booting and virtual machines work, and which support each Operating System. Joe said that for dual booting Linux on Windows, we should look into either NTFS or FAT32, although FAT32 has memory restrictions. It was also highly suggested that we simply run Linux in a virtual machine, which we ultimately carried out with the suggest VirtualBox program(
The process (for those of you who care) was actually a lot easier than I thought. I had to download the VirtualBox program. Then, I had to grab the OS that I wanted, which was initially RedHat Fedora( Unfortunately, Fedora was giving an ETA of about an hour so Carl kindly allowed us to borrow his latest copy of Ubuntu via CD. Turns out carrying around a copy of an OS can actually be quite useful especially depending on your career! After VirtualBox installed, all I had to do was set up a new virtual operating system machine and specify which OS was to be installed. Then I navigated to the disk(or ISO depending on which type of disk you mount) and set it to boot. After the machine boots, I just had to go through the installation process, which was basically just continuously clicking "YES".
Overall, I really enjoyed this meetup and I am hoping to attend more Linux User events to get more involved both in developing on the OS, and also in the community. I find it extremely intriguing that such a handy OS could have been the product of a lot of open source hacking. I can honestly say that the members of the group were incredibly generous, welcoming, and helpful. They never made me feel like I was inferior despite my extreme lack of specific knowledge with Linux, and I was amazed at how they instantly were willing to help with any problem that I had.
I had a ton of fun at this Interlock Rochester meetup and would highly recommend that anyone with any kind of interest in Linux attend the meetings. The meeting was held in a brick building complex on I believe the 4th floor(can't remember exactly), and signs are posted for the location. I think I entered the building through a door near a comic book store. The actual room where the meeting was held was a super neat "hackerspace" with gadgets and cool stuff everywhere. To find the building, I recommend just using a GPS and looking up "Interlock Rochester" :)
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Weekly Blog 11
- Use 2 Web API's to fetch data
- Use XHR to grab the data to your web app
- Display the data through a stylized page
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Weekly Blog 10
My DSA class was quite difficult this week. We received an assignment that involved getting texturing implemented into our OpenGL 3d game engines. This proved to be quite a pain because I followed all of the steps on our walkthrough and still had trouble getting the textures to show. Specifically, we were supposed to set up texture coordinates and get a texture/image to appear on the shapes in our engine. This was probably one of the most confusing assignments I received all year, so I truly commend and wish good luck to anyone in the field of graphics programming.
My Rich Media project was handed in, so I worked on a lot of ICE's this past week. We started learning XML and some Ajax this week. XML stands for extensible markup language and Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. These are both pretty cool to implement in web development because they allow us to store and fetch data and update webpages in real time without the user needing to refresh a page.
Election Day Hackathon
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Weekly Blog 9
I also forgot to mention that for my HFOSS class, we began a project where we will be developing an educational game for an XO laptop. This is a super awesome project that you can read about in my other blog posts. Basically, we are using the 4th grade science curriculum to build a game to teach about the different states of matter.
Lastly, for my Rich Media class, I submitted a pretty much finalized version of my project. The game is mouse themed. The player controls a mouse at the bottom of the screen. The mouse can move left or right into various columns of the screen. The player must navigate the mouse so it can eat the cheese that falls from the ceiling. If the mouse collides with any poison falling from the ceiling, the player loses life. After 3 hits, the player loses the game. At the end of the game, the final score is shown, and the player can try again.
Although, that accounts for all of the classes that are centered around software development, I should also mention that this week, I completed my second project for my Video Art class. I wrote an essay about how my perspective was altered through watching the works we watched in class. Since this blog is mainly centered around developing software and Free and Open Source Software, I won't go into much detail about my Video Art Class, but I definitely suggest looking into Video Art if the name interests you, or you want to experience something new and cool.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Video Review - Simple Made Easy
The Gist
The Good
The Bad
The Questions
My Review
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Smoke Test
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Weekly Blog 8
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Video Review
The Gist
The Good?
The Bad?
Personal Thoughts
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Weekly Blog 7
For my rich media class, I worked on my mid term project. I took the space shooter we were building and began fleshing it out into my own creation. I want it to be a game where the player controls a mouse at the bottom of the screen and tries to catch the cheese falling from the top of the screen. There will also be poison falling from the top of the screen that the player has to avoid.
For my Game Design and Development class, we started to get our digital game working. We currently have a ball that can be shot towards the mouse when the user clicks. Then the player controls the ball through the air by moving the mouse around. The ball can also stick to certain walls and bounce off of others. For this week's playtest, we just wanted users to understand how the controls were going to work. There is no real objective, although I designed the level in the hopes that players would aim for the furthest point to the right of the screen.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
NY & MA 4th Grade Math Curriculum
What's the Same?
- Operations & Algebraic Thinking
- Numbers & Operations in Base Ten
- Numbers & Operations with Fractions
- Measurement & Data
- Geometry
- Multiplication and Division with whole numbers
- Understand fractions and know how to add, subtract, and convert them into decimals
- Know how to convert measurements between units
- Solve word problems with the first 3 bullet points
- Plot lines, use angles, and know shapes
What's Different?
Which will we implement?
How will we implement?
Team Proposal 2
My Group:
- Nicholas Gallagher (MrNex) -
- Josh Davis (dtendr) -
Idea 1
- Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design
- Standard 3: Key Idea "Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and it's reactivity"
- Standard 3: Key Idea "Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change, energy is conserved"
Idea 2
Upstream Mentors
- Luke Benstead (Kazade) - - KazMath math library
Team Roles
Easy Parts
- We already have a very clear idea of what we want the project to be
- The game mechanics are simple and based off of curriculum standards
- The XO is very limiting so the game should be fairly basic
Hard Parts
- Starting from scratch
- We have to try our best to adhere to the curriculum and maximize the learning experience
- Although we have a good amount of time, the project will require dedication
Overcoming Obstacles
- Ensure everyone understands the idea and agrees on it
- Plan who will start with what
- Start programming, release first prototype within about a week (TEST ON XO)
- Continue releasing early and often
- Get feedback
- Fix everything/continue prototyping
- Finalize
- Reflect
- Profit :)
Weekly Blog 6
I gave a presentation with MrNex and Dtendr on a community architecture analysis of the Open Source Project Duality. You can read about that in my below posts. I also got the pleasure of attending a Hudl Meetup on the RIT campus. That was a great experience that you can also read about in my previous posts.
I started creating a digital game for my Game Design course. My group chose to program a game in Java since we are all familiar with the language. Our game is going to be about a mouse who launches himself out of cannons to try to defeat cats who have stolen the mouse's friends. The player controls the mouse and can rotate the mouse's path through the air using the literal computer mouse. I know the game might sound a bit odd, but we've come pretty far even though we only just started working on it. Aside from the Game Design digital game, I also continued working on a space shooter game that I had been making for my Rich Media class.
As I mentioned, it was nice to not have that much work this week, but sadly I think next week will be right back to piles and piles of things to do. I have a Data Structures homework due next week which I think will be difficult. I also have some midterms coming up, which is always a pain. Can't really think of anything else to mention right now. Hopefully next week isn't too bad!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Hudl Meetup
I really enjoyed this presentation because I got to hear about Open Source Software from someone who works for a legitimate company in the field of software/web development. It was nice to get an outside perspective on some topics that are covered in my Open Source Software Class.
What I really found interesting about this presentation was how well the representatives presentation lined up with what we have covered in my HFOSS class. Specifically, the part of the presentation that dealt with the advantages of Open Source Software really lined up with the Five Pillars of Open Source Software, and also what I learned about how/why people use open source software from readings in class.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Community Architecture Report - Duality
What is it?
Helpful Links:
- Project Website -
- Lead Developer Blog -
- Project Repo -
- Documentation/Project Wiki -
- Project Forum -
Brief History
Who Approves Patches?
Who Has Commit Access?
- Adamslair( - obviously
- BraveSirAndrew(
- fireDude90(
Who has the Knowledge?
Calloway Coefficient of Fail?
Turnover in Core Team?
Front End Back End Work?
Trending Project Participation?
Raptor Test?
Git by a Bus?
Structure and Opinion
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Weekly Blog 5
One of the black holes that sucked up all of my time this week was a video art project that I had to complete by Thursday. The purpose of the assignment was to use what we learned in class so far to create some kind of video art piece that "disrupts the medium". For my project, I created a split-screen video that displays one side of the screen as a first person view of someone walking forward, while the other half of the screen shows the behind view. This project took me an enormous amount of time because I had to experiment with manipulating 2 iPhone cameras around various spots on campus to get some footage that I liked. I wanted to challenge how viewers perceive the world and show them that they do not take the time to admire what is around them, as they are always looking ahead.
The other project that I had to work on was a board game that I had been producing in a team for my Game Design class. Specifically, I had to create a highly visual one page design document for our game. This took me a long time because I had to fit a ton of information on one page. While I worked on this, I also programmed a space shooter project for my Rich Media class. Lastly, I worked on a team proposal for my Open Source Software class. You can read about that in my previous blog posts though.
Although I did a lot of work this week, it definitely felt great to accomplish so much. The other nice thing about all of this is I can finally slow down and relax now that all of the hard work is out of the way. As for this coming week, I can "look forward" to performing a community analysis and giving a presentation on the "Duality" open source game engine. I also get to start programming a digital game for my Game Design game. I'd say I'm super excited, but really I'm only moderately excited :)
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Team Proposal
List your other team members below:
Nicholas Gallagher - - Handle: MrNexJosh Davis - - Handle: Dtendr
Which Project did your team choose?
2-liner description of the project?
What will each team member's role be?
Source Code Repository URL?
List your upstream Mentor's below:
How will you communicate with them?
The Easy Parts
- Judging by his contribution, the main developer Adam seems extremely invested in this project, and he has done a good job organizing everything, especially information about current issues.
- My teammate and I already know each other and live together, so communication between us should be very easy.
- Being that my teammate and I have both programmed extensively in C#, we should be pretty familiar with the programming used in this project.
The Hard Parts
- We will have to juggle a lot of other work on top of this project.
- The fact that this is a game engine implies that it is very complex.
- We don't know how picky or trusting the main developer is about his project, so he may be reluctant to how we want to change things.
How will you overcome both?
- Familiarize ourselves with the code, contact Adam or contributors with specific questions
- Address exactly what we want to work on to narrow down and be more specific
- Make sure that what we want to work on is worth the time and effort
- Actually start working on the issues - this will likely be a different process entirely
- Get some commits up
- Continue conversation to make sure everything is coordinated
- Eventually finalize what we have done
- Testing changes
- Reflect? Maybe?
- Profit.
Bug Fix
- SIPp project:
- Major Developer: rkday
- Issues:
- The Issue I worked on and the discussion on said issue:
- My Commit:
Sunday, September 21, 2014
The meetup was extremely fun and equally as informative. There were several lightning talks given by members of the group. I found these presentations to be interesting because I am not a big user of Python, but I got to see what Python can be used for. I learned how helpful Python can be as a programming language and I also learned how many different ways Python can be used. I was also shown some ways in which Python can be used in a similar fashion to other programming languages such as Java or C.
I did find it difficult to comprehend some of the topics discussed in the meetup because I really don't have any knowledge using Python, but it was interesting to get a glimpse of how the members of the group utilize Python. A lot of the meetup involved discussing new topics in the Python realm. I found these new features to be cool, and I like to see how programming languages evolve over time.
One thing that I found especially intriguing was the hacks and tricks that some members of the group showcased in lightning talks. For example, one member showed how he was diving into Markov Chains: through programming. He then showed how the Markov Chains worked with his blog WuPotus which is an awesome Tumblr that mashes up speeches by Barack Obama and Wu Tang Clan lyrics. Check out WuPotus here: . I found this to be hilarious, but on a more serious security side, another member of the group showed how to hack websites on Git using an exploit he found involving (I think) the .git folder.
In terms of recommendations for getting more people involved in the club, I found the more humorous or more hacking related projects to be the most interesting. I found that the group really does not appeal heavily to people who don't have any interest in Python programming, but for people who are interested in getting involved in the Python community, the group is fairly appealing. I enjoyed the lightning talks, but I agreed with what one participant said in that it would be cool to have work sessions where members can come to work on their projects and get help on problems they are having. I think this would really strengthen the community and help out a lot of people.
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the RocPy meetup, and although I don't know how interested I would be in getting involved in the Python User Groups, the experience definitely made me want to get more involved in groups that focus on programming languages that I do make heavy use of.
Weekly Blog 4
- I programmed an audio visualizer in html5 with Javascript.
- I learned about using vectors, homogeneous coordinates, and quaternions in C++.
- I went to a RocPy meetup which you can read about in my next blog post.
- I helped finalize a board game that centers around launching folded papers with rubber bands.
- I have to create a C++ program that converts vectors, homogeneous coordinates, and quaternions.
- I have to create a highly visual design document for the board game mentioned above.
- I have to write an essay on a piece I would create in the realm of Video Art.
- I have to perform a bug fix on an open source project and then describe the experience.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Microsoft Coding Competition
Weekly Blog 3
Thursday, September 11, 2014
In Chapter 3 of Stephen Weber's The Success of Open Source, there was a listing of eight "General Principles" contained within the chapter. Last week, we discussed in class the five pillars of "The Open Source Way."
1. What are the titles of each Pillar?
2. What are the titles of each General Principle?
3. What are the similarities between Weber's eight principles, and the five pillars?
4. What are the differences?
5. Bonus: Who's "keen analysis" did Weber "Draw Heavily" upon?"
6. Double-Bonus: What was the title of this "keen analysis." (Hint: Weber hinted at the title when he was talking about Cathedrals earlier in the chapter.)
The title of this "keen analysis" is "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".
7. Triple-Bonus: Where can this keen analysis be found? (Answer in URL form, i.e.
This "keen analysis can be found here: