Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final Stretch Hackathon

Last Week I got the chance to attend a hackathon on my December 10.  In honor of the last day of classes and in order to give students a chance to work on whatever projects they have, study for whatever exams they have, or just hang out at the awesome RIT Magic Center, MAGIC hosted a hackathon.  Coincidentally, this also happened to be the day of my 21st Birthday!

Needless to say, after I went out and purchased my first legally bought beers and stored them in my fridge, I invited my friends Alan( and Jordan( to attend the Home Stretch Hackathon with me.  Although they were reluctant at first, I won them over with promises of free food, and we were not let down when we were able to grab free pizza and soda, as well as Twizzlers for Alan.  Unfortunately, because I had a couple of things to do earlier in the day, I was only able to make it for about an hour or so of the hackathon.  I was still extremely glad that I attended though, because I wasn't sure if it would still be going on by the time we got there at about 7:30.

Although I didn't get to talk to my professor Decause( because he was helping another student, ClumsyCat(, from my FOSS class with what I believe was an XO Project, I was happy to spend some time with my friends, while still collectively working on our own assignments.  Personally, I began working on my Rich Media Final Project, and although I was technically not allowed to assist my friend Alan with his Rich Media project, we were able to look over some class notes to study for our final exams.  Whilst we worked on Rich Media, my friend Jordan worked on his Clean Snowmobile Team tasks, which to my knowledge involved working with a complex engine on AutoCad(

As I said earlier, I was only able to attend the hackathon for a bit more than an hour, but I still cannot express how much I enjoy attending the hackathons at RIT when I am able.  The Magic Center is aptly named and with the fireplaces being projected on some of the 9 projectors, the music playing, the free food, and the socialization, I really enjoyed myself while still being productive.  I highly recommend other students get involved in activities like these because as I said to my friend, studying is what I was going to be doing anyway, so I minus well go do it somewhere where I could actually enjoy myself, and be around people who could potentially help me or at least talk with me.

I wish I could link to the game starring my HFOSS professor that believe was projecting on one of the screens at the hackathon, but I can't remember the URL off the top of my head.  Regardless, here's an awesome website that he stars in:

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