This week I finished up a bunch of my projects. For my GDD game, we finished a bunch of levels. I personally created the png image files to create about 9 levels and people seemed to receive the game quite well. One complaint was that some levels were much easier than others, which is something we can improve on in the future. We also changed the art style so that the player no longer controls a circle, but they now control a rat with a cool tail that trails behind.
My DSA class was quite difficult this week. We received an assignment that involved getting texturing implemented into our OpenGL 3d game engines. This proved to be quite a pain because I followed all of the steps on our walkthrough and still had trouble getting the textures to show. Specifically, we were supposed to set up texture coordinates and get a texture/image to appear on the shapes in our engine. This was probably one of the most confusing assignments I received all year, so I truly commend and wish good luck to anyone in the field of graphics programming.
My Rich Media project was handed in, so I worked on a lot of ICE's this past week. We started learning XML and some Ajax this week. XML stands for extensible markup language and Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. These are both pretty cool to implement in web development because they allow us to store and fetch data and update webpages in real time without the user needing to refresh a page.
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