Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Final Stretch Hackathon
Needless to say, after I went out and purchased my first legally bought beers and stored them in my fridge, I invited my friends Alan( and Jordan( to attend the Home Stretch Hackathon with me. Although they were reluctant at first, I won them over with promises of free food, and we were not let down when we were able to grab free pizza and soda, as well as Twizzlers for Alan. Unfortunately, because I had a couple of things to do earlier in the day, I was only able to make it for about an hour or so of the hackathon. I was still extremely glad that I attended though, because I wasn't sure if it would still be going on by the time we got there at about 7:30.
Although I didn't get to talk to my professor Decause( because he was helping another student, ClumsyCat(, from my FOSS class with what I believe was an XO Project, I was happy to spend some time with my friends, while still collectively working on our own assignments. Personally, I began working on my Rich Media Final Project, and although I was technically not allowed to assist my friend Alan with his Rich Media project, we were able to look over some class notes to study for our final exams. Whilst we worked on Rich Media, my friend Jordan worked on his Clean Snowmobile Team tasks, which to my knowledge involved working with a complex engine on AutoCad(
As I said earlier, I was only able to attend the hackathon for a bit more than an hour, but I still cannot express how much I enjoy attending the hackathons at RIT when I am able. The Magic Center is aptly named and with the fireplaces being projected on some of the 9 projectors, the music playing, the free food, and the socialization, I really enjoyed myself while still being productive. I highly recommend other students get involved in activities like these because as I said to my friend, studying is what I was going to be doing anyway, so I minus well go do it somewhere where I could actually enjoy myself, and be around people who could potentially help me or at least talk with me.
I wish I could link to the game starring my HFOSS professor that believe was projecting on one of the screens at the hackathon, but I can't remember the URL off the top of my head. Regardless, here's an awesome website that he stars in:
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Final PlayTest!
This time, our game was more complete than our first play test. Unfortunately, when we tested all of the new changes on the XO, we found that the game lagged to the point that it was unplayable. This was most likely due to the addition of a transparent background being drawn over already existent dark backgrounds. To make sure that we had something at least playable, I reverted to one of our earlier copies of the game and quickly added the implementation of my score counter code.
Our game again involved a block of matter that the player could change the state of based on how quickly they moved the mouse. The matter would rise if the player moved the mouse quickly, and it would fall if they stopped moving the mouse. For this play test, we fixed some bugs that the 4th graders and ourselves caught last time, and as I said, I added code to keep score.
The students once again really seemed to enjoy our game which was really great. Another thing that was super awesome this time, was that 2 other groups also had playable prototypes for their projects. One of these 2 groups' games involved producing rectangles of certain perimeters and areas to "create pen's for puppies". The other game reminded me a bit of Pac-Man, and involved getting the player's character to only eat right angles. As you can probably tell, all of our games were meant to be educational.
The students noted a few things that they wanted to see changed. One student noticed that there was a bug where the block would get hooked on an obstacle randomly, which we have since fixed. Another student thought that the score did not count the first obstacle if you pass it, but we figured out that he must have got confused because we could not replicate the problem. Students thought our game reminded them of "Flappy Bird". Our game seemed to be quite addicting as students were all flocking around our laptops to try and get the high score. Amazingly, one kid actually got his score all the way up to 90!
I was very pleased with the feedback we got from this play test and it was a great feeling hearing a handful of students say that our game was their favorite. It was also nice to see again that so many students were interested in what we do and how we make games. A lot of the students also continued to say that they wanted to be programmers, which was pleasing to see at such a young age.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Weekly Blog 15
Thursday, December 4, 2014
HFOSS - Quiz 2 Pedagogy
0) Expand the Following Acronyms:
- FOSS - Free and Open Source Software
- OLPC - One Laptop Per Child
- tl;dr - Too Long; Didn't Read
- LGTM - Looks Good To Me
- RTFM - Read The Fun Manual
- PEBKAC - Problems Exist Between Keyboard And Chair
- LOL - Laugh Out Loud
1) Define the following instructional theories:
- Didactic - Didactic theory states that the teacher has all of the knowledge and students pay attention and passively receive this concrete knowledge given by the teacher. This requires students to be alert and receptive of all that is imparted to them, and students that do not continuously comprehend the information are often left behind. This is more based around the teacher.
- Dialectic - Dialectic theory (I kind of remember by associating "Dialectic" with "Dialogue") states that the teacher guides the students through discovering and understanding the knowledge by themselves. Information is actively discussed and reasoned with through a dialogue between the teacher and students. This is more based around the students.
- Constructivist - The Constructivist theory states that students learn best through experiencing concepts in a way that they can grasp an understanding. They then further this understanding through repetition and meditating on results. This is kind of what we mean when we talk about a "hands-on" learning experience.
- Multiple Intelligences - The theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests there are more than one intelligence and these intelligences can be categorized. Some examples of these categories are "Musical Intelligence", "Interpersonal Intelligence", "Intrapersonal Intelligence", "Mathematical Intelligence", "Linguistic Intelligence", and so on. Some students will excel in certain areas but struggle with others. By focusing on certain categories, students can become more intelligent in the corresponding area.
2) Describe the role of the instructor in each theory.
- Didactic - Teacher has all the knowledge and students passively absorb.
- Dialectic - Teacher has most of the knowledge and guides students actively.
- Constructivist - Teacher creates an environment for students to learn on their own.
- Multiple Intelligences - Teachers focus on actively honing certain skills.
3)What are the three key aspects of a lesson plan?
- Method - how do we get to where we want to be?
- Objective - where do we want to be ultimately?
- Evaluation - how did it go? how can we do better?
4)How does Sugar integrate and implement constructivist learning theory?
The OLPC Sugar environment perfectly integrates every aspect of the constructivist learning theory. It provides the student with not just an all knowing teacher that constantly sends concrete information, but with a platform, a toolbox, and an environment for the student to explore on his/her own. Sugar is designed with icons that the student can understand and click to explore more about the icon's corresponding topic. As the constructivist theory suggests, students learn through hands on applications literally named "activities". Through these activities, students can practice subjects and freely gain knowledge and experience at their own pace. For example, the music applications present the student with keyboards and instruments that can be played however the student wants. After experiencing the music applications, students will eventually familiarize themselves with how the keys correspond to different sounds. After some time messing around, students will understand how music is made with different instruments, which will be taught to them completely at their own pace. Ultimately, the student is able to construct their own way of learning.
Bonus: Where can new Sugar users and contributors go to find out more information, ask questions, and get involved?
- While I assume there are a multitude of ways for new Sugar users to do this, I would suggest checking out the Sugar website here:
- Of course, I would also suggest asking any questions on the RIT HFOSS IRC on freenode: #rit-foss
- Or they could check out the XO Laptop site here: